Export Flying photography Photography Technology UAS

From above – von oben

Since a while I am doing aerial photography.

On the flying platform, I use mostly an modified Canon S90 to take picture up to altitudes of around 100 Meter. The Camera is stabilized and shutter release, tilt and pan can remotely controlled. The ‘camera view’ is downstreamed via an 5 GHz video link and displayed on a battery powered control monitor.

Video / HDMI control monitor.

However, sometimes it is not necessary to get as high as 100 Meter. A few meter are sometimes sufficient to overlook a crowd or a wedding audience.

But for those occasions, I prefer to use the DSLR. With an monopod to hold the camera up and to release the shutter with the remote-control wireless or per wire works quite well in many situations. Except, that it is ‘guess-work’ if you don’t want to mess around with the control monitor and the cables. And you can’t control more tan the shutter release.

There are also nice options for tethered shooting with the NIKON DSLRs. Sofortbild is a very nice – and free – application if you have an MAC. It controls the camera via the USB port. However, you need an laptop to use the software, there is no iPad or iPhone version available. Another thing to carry and to handle. Not suitable at all occasions.

Since a while, Nikon has wireless adapters for the DSLRs but they are very expensive.

Recently Nikon released the WU-1b which can provide a cheap (50€) solution for remote shooting. It connects to the USB port of the camera.

It is a small dongle.



It provides wireless-hotspot like functionality. After installing the App to you Apple or Android smart device,  connect to the wifi hotspot.

the last leave

You will be able to see the live view picture, set the focus point and release the shutter and – optionally download the pictures directly to your smart device (I don’t recommend this – time consuming).

You also may use a pan – tilt head to control the direction in which you camera points. Cool for concerts or sports events. You can place the camera before the event and control it remotely.



Carnival Culture Photo Walk Photography walk

09MAR2013 Photoresk – Brussels Photography – going to Tournai (the Belgium Burning Man?)

History and Carnival: Photoresk – the Brussels Photography going Tournay

Tournay, the 2nd oldest Town of Belgium (after Tongeren). The picturesque medieval city center. The beautiful market place, the the river Escaut (“Schelde” in Dutch), some UNESCO world heritage sites and –
Carnival? Yes, Carnival!
When nearly everywhere in the rest of the world the carnival season is over, the inner part of Tournai is closed for traffic to celebrate carnival. Probably a good idea to wait ’till spring and definitely something not to miss while in Belgium. Details about the carnival in Tournai can be found here (in french)

There was an parade starting at 14:30 at four different places heading towards the centre. This was be a fantastic opportunity to take great picture of Belgium habits 😉 and the city.

We took the train from Brussels central at noon and returned to Brussels at around 20:00. Trains Brussels – Tournai are ever hour.

Easy by train – Brussels, Turnay every hour, one hour ride


Gare Tournai

guarding the monument

green meets techno

Die Schlümpfe

girls dancing everywhere

this Pharaoh in the confetti rain

carnival doggie

what’s standard in Brussels can be considered as costume in Tournai


every car has powerful confetti cannons




three super nanni’s






South wallonian shoe design



colours, colours


better more




is this “serious picture taking”?


oh, sorry, my French is not perfect… 😉

a Viking

another one

and the female too






to keep warm…

the the river Escaut (“Schelde” in Dutch)


seen before?




remember those Bunnies?

thank you!



lovely music everywhere

again – thank you for the pose!



and you too!


mysterious ballony

getting colder

drink and drive!

yes, it’s a whoopy

up, up in the sky


later – they will burn

he is doing it now already

the parade continues






reaching the centre



the beer for 1,50 EUR

carnival can be a serious business

now – burn, burn, burn




now it’s burning














you could feel the heat even from the distance


ok, back home to Brussels…. and plan the next Photoresk meet-up

If you want to learn more about Photoresk – Brussels Photography, check out this site:




Art Culture Photo Walk Photography Technology Things

02MAR2013 Photoresk going Museum Night Brussels

Brussels museum’s open from 19:00 to 01:00.
Photoresk met at 19:00 at the MIM (Music Instruments Museum) and ended at 00:00 at Autoworld (after 5 hours museum too tired for the after party starting at 02:00)




wonderful instruments





at 22:00 people still cueing (we got our ticket at the internet)

we ran unexpectedly into a fashion design show

and the models where happy to pose at this public event

nice designs


nice venue





later – Autoworld!


not only beautiful vintage vehicles but also flying artists



happy landing


If you want to learn more about Photoresk – Brussels Photography, check out this site: